The unCoVer project, Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19, started in November 2020 and it will run for 24 months until November 2022. Coordinated by Prins Leopold Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde (Belgium), it is composed of 29 partners across 18 countries worldwide.
unCoVer is a functional network of partners capable of harvesting real-world data derived from the response and provision of care to patients by the health systems across Europe, and internationally during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our network’s efforts depend on a team of highly motivated individuals which are organized in the following substructures:

The Steering Committee consists of one senior representative of each partner and is the ultimate decision-making body of the consortium. The SC meets at least twice a year.
The General Assembly is the supervisory body of the consortium, responsible for the execution of the Project. The GA is led by the Coordinator and the Work Package Leaders (WPLs) and meets every month. Task Leaders (TLs) assist the WPLs in planning, managing and performing their respective tasks in the WP context.
The Management Support Team assists and facilitates the work of the GA and the Coordinator. The MST members are always invited to participate in General Assembly meetings.
The Exploitation & Dissemination Committee consists of several senior members of each WP. Experts in the domain of communication are also part of this Committee. The EDC is responsible for identifying potential areas of exploitation and providing scientific guidance to the Steering Committee. Members of the EDC meet at least quarterly.
The Data Protection & Ethics Advisory Board consists of external experts in the domain of data protection and ethics. The role of this advisory board is to provide feedback and assess how partner’s monitor GDPR, data protection, information security requirements, and other the ethical challenges that may arise from the project execution. DP-EAB meetings are convened every 2 months throughout the duration of the project.
The External Advisory Board is formed by experts in the domain of the network: representatives of health authorities, health care providers, academia and representatives of patient’s associations. This board provides advice and guidance regarding the project’s development and the appropriate exploitation activities and strategies to ensure the maximum impact of the project. The EAB members meet annually with the SC.
The Societal & Regulatory Advisory Board (SRAB) is composed by several key players from the regulatory, governance and civil society level. The SRAB advises the consortium regarding the best strategies towards exploitation of project results. The members of this board meet annually with the SC.