COVID-19 data curated by the network is available to the partners as a dashboard under a Data Sharing Agreement
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unCoVer produces a number of public deliverables that are available to stakeholders in order to assess the evolution of the project.
WP1 aims at the identification of real-world data (RWD) related to COVID-19. It collects and catalogues all data in a standardised way, in preparation for data harmonization processes. The leader of this work package is the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, Belgium.
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WP2’s objective is to provide legal and ethical framework to all tasks and activities scheduled in the unCoVer network. The leader of this work package is the University College Cork (UCC), Ireland.
WP3 is responsible for harmonizing the heterogenous data coming from different sources and developing advanced computational methods to integrate information and generate evidence-based information in a data-repository. The leader of this work package is Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain.
No deliverables published yet
WP4 brings together the clinical expertise and the statistical analysis expertise from the network to unCoVer findings from the data acquired to maximize their use in informing COVID-19 response. The leader of this work package is HM Hospitales (FiHM), Spain.
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WP5’s objective is to guarantee that the results of the project are known and available to the scientific community and society in general through scientific publications, training and educational activities and organisation and participation in events, among others. The leader of this work package is the University of Porto (UPorto), Portugal.
WP6 is dedicated to maintaining the functional network both internally and externally, and with special attention to the management of intellectual property by utilizing best practices in project coordination. The leader of this work package if the Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, Belgium.
No deliverables published yet
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